martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

First date- korean food- fountainpark

This was our first date I mean hanging out without studying lol. Firstly we met outside university and we took a taxi, we started talking about music, family and others stuff; I was nervous also jaja it is fresh in my mind and then we arrived to some mall because he needed to buy something for his phone so after that he told me to have lunch "korean food" there was a korean restaurant near the mall. I asked him to suggest me what to eat so I ate pokumbab haha and he ate sopa de tok; when the food arrived he gave me in a dish some of his food and I could see that he was smiling looking at me eating the food also he said you used the chopsticks so good! Again he paid the bill i felt uncomfortable because he was so kind with me and gentleman. Then we went to try some traditional drink that he hadn't tried yet he liked it . In the afertoon we took a bus to go to the water fountain, and he bought me some candy I really felt that I was in a date and some girls looked us ^.^ .There was a time that we were in silence watching the view and I felt he was boring but in that moment he said let's walking around and then after talking and laughing the day was ending and it was time to go home :( so i told him to go his home first and then my home and he said no first let's go to your home so we were fighting for that haha and he won !! His eyes were tiring for the contact lenses and he wanted to sleep so i told him sleep im gonna wake you up! I felt like i was in a drama i wanted to put my head in his shoulder and sleep there but I couldn't do that >< ... Then we arrived my home and I go with him to take a taxi for him and in that moment i gave him the gift that i bought for him he was kind of embarrased and he didn't want to accept it but at the end he said ok thank you! Then i said good bye to him and I though if we could meet another day or tomorrow or a days after tomorrow...

lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013

Our first meet / El primer encuentro

I decided to write this blog in English also, I think my english skills are not awesome like I would like but I would do my best to share with you my history. Thinking about this those days have been hard because I think if I could do something for change things maybe now would be different... Our first meet was an excuse to see him, I was soooooo nervous because I was going to spend maybe 2 or 5 hours with him haha it is crazy I know, but this memory is fresh in my mind. I sent him a message about if he could help me with my korean final exam, actually I wasn't studying that month korean language because the institute didn't open a class for my level so I asked him if we could meet at university, I was ashamed because it was the first time that I was doing something like that and also very ansious for his reply, I always remember one of his phrases: "Sorry for late reply..." ... so that they he replied and said : of course we can meet at university, when do you wanna meet at what time? so we meet that day at university , i was excited and the time was passing slowly . I arrived 5 minutes late so I thought he wasn' there , but he was already there, stood up near the door looking his phone, he was wearing a blue pants with grey t-shirt and he smelled so good nice perfume I thought hahaha then we went to library to study and he didn't look at me at first buy then he started being friendly like if we were friends from long time . When we finished studying he said are you hungry? What do you wanna eat? So we went to chinesse restaurant and he started asking me about myself, my family, places that I've visited; I also asked him . He told me about the military service, it's hard experience; he drinks a lot of coca cola haha actually i don't like soda but I had to drink it . He made questions like what do you prefer coca cola or pepsi? I found it hilarious. I always remember our first meet... It was fun!! If you though that gentlemans don't exist ! You are totally wrong !!! There are few but they exist... He is one of them.. The time to pay came so i though he taught me i'm gonna invite him.. So i told him and he said no he stood up really fast and ran away to paid ! I was surprised sitting in the table... His movement was funny and also I found it cute *.* After lunch he went with me to bus stop and he waited until I take the bus. Then he say goodbye shaking his hands while i was watching him throw the window... So i though im gonna see him again ...

martes, 22 de octubre de 2013

Nuestra primera conversación en facebook

Como olvidar la primera semana de diciembre del 2012 para ser màs especifica fue el día 7 recién me doy cuenta que es el día de.cumpleaños de una de mis mejores amigas jaja waaah pensar que pronto se cumplira un año desde que hablamos por primera vez. Recuerdo que cuando lo agregue al facebook pense que él ya estaba por regresar a Korea porque el semestre ya había terminado. 아녕하세요! Fue lo que escribí no esperé una respuesta rápida de él pero así fue me saludo y escribío hablas coreano? Que bueno ? Eres de ... Nombro el nombre de la universidad a la que voy en la cual el estaba haciendo intercambio? Le dije si voy a la misma universidad a la cuál tu vas... En ese momento no se me ocurrio mas que una tonta excusa de porque lo había agregado, él fue muy amable y simpático. City hunter como lo llamo; ese día me dijo que se quedaría a estudiar un semestre mas en la universidad yo me quedé sorprendida y con mucha verguenza pues lo vería en los pasillos el siguiente semestre; tambien me dijo que me ayudaría con todo lo de coreano que le preguntará cualquiera de mia dudas. Yo no puedo recordar bien que más hablamos pero recuerdo la sensaciòn que tuve al saber que tenìa mi primer amigo coreano...

domingo, 20 de octubre de 2013

Un click puede cambiar tu destino

Si, un click solo un click bastó para conocer a esa persona, no solo conocerlo, la verdad ya lo habia visto en la universidad un par de veces no mucho pero no llamaba mucho mi atención hasta que en una oportunidad al cruzarnos, él usaba un gorro negro y por mi cabeza paso oh se parece a city hunter! Recuerdan esa escena de city hunter cuando lee min ho usaba una gorra negra? ; era igual alto de contextura delgada y una forma de caminar rápida por sus piernas largas, creo que ese dia fue cuando empezó a llamar mi atención... Bueno el ciclo terminó la última vez que me lo encontré fue en la semana de parciales pero su caminar tan rápido me hizo perderlo de vista...Cuando acabaron las clases pensé que el se regresaba a Corea por eso lo agregué al facebook, se preguntan como sabía cuál era su facebook, bueno conocí a una chica coreana la cúal era como su mejor amiga y lo encontré por medio de ella jaja en fin jamás pense que el me aceptaría tan rapidamente y empezara esta historia ;) ...

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

Un principe ramen

Empezando este blog quiero dar una introduccion acerca del  cambio que ha habido en nosotras  de el principe azul comun el que hemos visto desde niñas en los cuentos de hadas a los principes ramen, ellos los que aparecen en los dramas. Es irónico pero muy cierto como la cultura asiática se ha entrado poco a poco a america en mi caso latinoamérica. Recuerdo que cuando era pequeña soñaba con el principe azul de cabellos dorados y ojos azul cielo ahora encuentro tan lindo aquel chico de ojos jaladitos con una tierna sonrisa que me lleve algún dia en su espalda, quizás suene tonto pero hay algo que vemos en ellos que nos hace querer tener un "principe ramen ".